What You Should Know About Deodorant & Breast Cancer
Breast cancer affects many people. Researchers work to create treatments and to understand more about this deadly disease. As time as gone on, researchers have discovered a possible cause for breast cancer. Underarm deodorants that are applied close to the breast could be a possible reason for breast cancer. Certain antiperspirants and deodorants may be made of harmful ingredients. These harmful ingredients have scientists wondering if these ingredients can cause breast cancer. However, there is little evidence that links antiperspirants and deodorants to causing cancer cells to develop in the breast. At this time, there is merely research being conducted to test if there is a link.
Antiperspirants and deodorants tend to be based with ingredients that have aluminum compounds. These compounds are harmful because they form a plug in the ducts in the underarm. These plugs prohibit sweat from flowing on the surface of the skin. Scientists are wondering …
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