Snacking Healthy at Your Local Vending Machine
Whether you’re sitting in the office or strolling the mall, vending machines can beckon temptingly. The problem is that they tend to be filled with unhealthy sugary or fried snacks that can foil your resolution to maintain a healthy weight. But if you must succumb to the temptation, read on first to find out which vending snacks are the better choices.
If it’s your sweet tooth that’s giving you a hard time, opt for snacks like granola bars and animal crackers. When it comes to candy, pick those that have raisins or nuts in them, like many trail mixes do.
If the munchies have you craving something salty, however, avoid fried snacks like potato chips. Instead try unsalted or lightly salted nuts.
Pretzels and baked chips are also good options. Although baked chips do not necessarily have fewer calories than fried chips, the chances are they contain less …
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