Healthy Eating Tips Both Outside and Inside Home

Healthy Eating Tips Both Outside and Inside Home

Healthy Eating Tips Both Outside and Inside Home

Eating healthy is important to stay hale and hearty and live longer. In today’s fast moving life style it often becomes difficult to maintain strict  often eat outside foods that are not at all healthy. But here are few simple health resources that can help in maintain the nutrition level of the meal even while having outside food.

  • It is better to have lean meat
  • Have considerable amount of salad with low calorie salad dressings
  • It is better to have boiled and grilled dishes instead of fried stiffs
  • Cut down the portion of the meal by sharing the dish or by ordering small portion of the dish
  • Avoid eating everything in the buffet.
  • Stay away from the fillers that are given with drinks or with other food items

It is better to eat something before dinning outside. It will prevent over eating. It is also not necessary to have a …

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Herbal Granny Knew Best

Herbal Granny Knew Best

Herbal Granny Knew Best

I can still remember in horror my grandmother grumbled in her overgrown garden picking these leaves in the leaves, throwing them all into a pot of boiling water and drinking it. Of course at the time I, plus a lot of the other young members of the family, thought she was quite mad and more than a little weird. What we didn’t realise at the time was that Grandmother was saner than any of us and quite the herbalist, and it seems,  quite a brilliant one at that. As much as I rack my brain I can’t remember her suffering from anything so common as the common cold in her entire long life time. Of course, some might say it had nothing to do with her unusual er…habits, she was just one of those lucky few who experience a better health for most of their charmed lives. Of course, I …

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Are You Still Writing for GP Reports to Manage Absence? - 5 Reasons To Think Again

Are You Still Writing for GP Reports to Manage Absence? – 5 Reasons To Think Again

Are You Still Writing for GP Reports to Manage Absence? - 5 Reasons To Think Again

As an experienced Occupational Health Nurse, I have always wondered why it is that some HR professionals and managers write to GPs rather than ask an Occupational Health specialist for a report to help them to manage absence. Occupational Health is the speciality of medicine which has the knowledge skills and training to provide advice on fitness for work in any industry setting and also has specialist knowledge of the diseases of occupations

Asking a GP, who has never had any occupational health training or even visited a workplace, for an opinion on fitness to work, rarely provides any useful advice on capability. It generally lengthens the management of the absence as GPs are very busy and can take weeks before a response is received and the report can be expensive.

Maybe it’s time to review your approach?

1. In my experience, non-medical people writing for a GP report are …

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The Best Thing an Owner Can Do for Their Business Is Continue to Breathe

The Best Thing an Owner Can Do for Their Business Is Continue to Breathe

The Best Thing an Owner Can Do for Their Business Is Continue to Breathe

One of the best things a business owner can do for their business is continue to breathe. It sounds simple but for some business owners the hardest part about business ownership is finding time for themselves.

Health can be defined in a range of ways but the way I see it is; health is the absence of illness and the presence of vitality. Vitality is that energy and exuberance that comes from someone who is well rested, with energy to burn and the focus to put that energy to good use. I know many business owners that miss the mark when it comes to their own health.

Often business owners believe they need to work 24/7, putting themselves into a situation where it is difficult to sustain for the long term. If your business does not allow you the time to look after yourself over the long term, what makes …

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How Strong Is Your Immune System?

How Strong Is Your Immune System?

How Strong Is Your Immune System?

How many of these drugs are you taking on a regular basis?

  • Cold medicine
  • Antibiotics
  • Aspirin
  • Allergy medications

Far too many people are living with a vulnerable immune system that cannot successfully defend itself from diseases and sicknesses. Did you know that your immune system has the inborn capability to protect itself from ill health? When your body is healthy and fit, your immune system has the ability to defend itself against millions of toxins, bacteria, parasites, and viruses. So why are so many people these days, including yourself, turning to man-made, chemical-filled drugs to perform the natural functions of a healthy body?

What Is Inside That Medication?

Go and take some time to actually read through the ingredients on the medicines that are filling your medicine cabinet. Without a doubt, you will find a long list of words that are unpronounceable and most likely completely foreign to your knowledge. …

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