When working out your bodybuilding nutrition plan it is essential that you use the very best ingredients that you can afford. Natural healthy ingredients are, by far, the best fuel for your body. There are three main food groups that you should be aware of: proteins, carbohydrates and unsaturated fats. To get the best from your bodybuilding nutrition plan your diet should include a balance of these. Proteins, mainly, can be obtained from animal foods such as meat and are essential for repairing muscle tissue after strenuous exercise.
Carbohydrates are converted into glucose and are used by your body for energy. Carbohydrates also stimulate the body’s production of insulin – a key chemical in building muscle. Unsaturated fats are vital to maintain the health of your body’s cells. There are also certain vitamins that are fat soluble and as such your body can only absorb them in fats. When trying to lose weight it is recommended that you cut back on your carbohydrate intake. If you take in too many carbs in your diet, your body will store the excess glucose as fat. It is advisable, therefore, to cut back on your carbs until such times as you have reduced your overall body fat.
A normal, healthy, average man should be eating about two thousand calories per day. Bodybuilders should be eating much more than that. As a rule of thumb you should multiply your body weight in pounds by sixteen to get the number of calories you should be eating. Obviously this number is only a rough guide. If you are lean you will probably need more calories to bulk up and inversely if you are carrying excess body fat you will probably need less.
You should add up your total daily calorie intake and divide it by six or seven and split your meals up accordingly. It’s better to consume your calories through six or seven meals per day than it is to consume than all at once or through your normal three meal cycle. I hope this article has been informative. There’s one last thing to mention when sticking to a bodybuilding nutrition plan. Where possible, always eat natural organic foods as these foods are far superior in terms of nutritional value.